2017 Subaru BRZ v Toyota 86 GT comparison

Deciding to buy a brand new car can be a tough decision. And deciding exactly which brand new car to buy can be even more difficult. So what happens when the two cars you’re looking at share the same engine, gearbox, platform, and damn near the same looks? What happens when the two cars you’re looking at are the 2017 Subaru BRZ and 2017 Toyota 86 GT? Which do you pick then? We hit the road, and the track, to find out.

This particular twin test has been five years in the making.

You see, back in October 2012, our then-esteemed leader, Jez Spinks, put the then-brand-new Subaru BRZup against its equally then-brand-new twin, the Toyota 86.

At the time, Subaru was asking $37,150 driveaway for the single-specification BRZ, while Toyota stunned the motoring world by launching the 86 with prices starting at $29,990. Surprisingly or not, Jez couldn’t split the pair, declaring “driving enthusiasts” as the only clear winner.

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