Smartwatches are for rich people, and you don’t need one

If you’re worried about whether or not you’re going to need a smartwatch in the near future, turn that frown upside-down. It’s time to understand what this smartwatch craze is all about. It’s not about picking up on the next trend before it replaces the smartphone. It’s not about jumping on the bandwagon before it leaves without you. It’s about cashing in on the wants and desires of those with cash to burn. For now. At the present. Things may change, but for now, you do not need a smartwatch to continue living your life.

I’ve worn watches before. I don’t wear one while I’m working because it interferes with my typing, but otherwise I can get by fairly soundly with any sort of watch on my wrist. But do I need a watch? Not so much.

Do I need a smartwatch?

I supposed if I’m going to wear a watch, it may as well be smart.

That’s the sentiment I’m hearing from most of the people purchasing the first wave of smartwatches like the Apple Watch.

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