
Hulu’s launching a VR app next month

Samsung’s anticipated Gear VR headset is launching next month, and it’ll only cost $99 USD, making

New PS4 controllers, hard drive covers come in plenty of colors

Sony’s pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference was fairly low-key, but they still managed to make several

GoPro Odyssey is a 16-camera VR rig priced at $15k

Back in May at Google’s I/O conference, GoPro unveiled a 16-camera virtual reality rig intended to

Samsung Galaxy O-Series Phones Tipped to VR-Centric, Made With Oculus

A couple of days ago, we came across the first ever rumour stating that Samsung might

Immersive Virtual Reality gaming center opens in Australia

A new gaming center has opened its doors in Melbourne, Australia, and it’s not quite your

Hands Free Headgear Is A Comfy Head Mount For Your Google Cardboard Headset

The Google Cardboard is awesome, allowing you to DIY a VR headset using nothing but recycled

Mattel View-Master hands-on: Retro toy gets AR upgrade

Mattel’s rebooted View-Master won’t be the only Google Cardboard headset around when it hits stores this

Oculus warns VR coders its new SDK breaks old apps

Oculus has warned developers to get their virtual reality apps up to date, launching a new

Here’s what it’s like to play Valve’s VR ‘Portal’ experience

Sure, people can wax poetic about using HTC’s Vive virtual reality headset, but what’s it really

Oculus wants in on VR moviemaking, partners with Felix & Paul

The consumer launch of Oculus Rift is still many months away (planned for Q1 next year),

Oculus founder responds to flak over ‘exclusive’ games

Oculus VR came under fire last week after its CEO said the company will fund development

Real Virtuality shows us what multiplayer VR might look like

2016 is shaping up to be the year the world gets virtual — with immersive head-mounted

Legendary, Google bring Warcraft to the world of VR

Not to dash your hopes, this isn’t the long-awaited Warcraft film yet. Not even a trailer.

Nikon’s new FX 16-80mm borrows flagship FX lens tech

Nikon’s DX lenses may usually be overshadowed by their more expensive and higher-spec FX cousins, but

With OnePlus sold out, where can you get Google Cardboard?

It seemed too good to be true: Google’s coveted Cardboard virtual reality headset at just a

Nintendo master designer Miyamoto doesn’t know how Sony, Oculus will sell VR to consumers

Gaming is in its golden age, and big and small players alike are maneuvering like kings

Sphericam 2 4K VR camera endorsed by John Carmack

This week Oculus CTO and gaming industry veteran John Carmack lent his support for the next

Jaunt Neo VR camera promises pro-quality 360 video

360-degree video may be the future of immersive entertainment but first you need the camera to

Microsoft has just improved the Oculus Rift’s lenses

At E3 earlier this month it became apparent that Microsoft andOculus have developed quite the buddy-buddy

Nikon COOLPIX P900 Review

Oh, a 30x travel zoom? That’s cute. A 50x superzoom? Hmm, quaint. A DSLR with an

OnePlus 2 unveiling to happen completely in VR

One cannot claim that Chinese startup OnePlus lacks ambition or imagination. It set itself up as

Samsung invests in FOVE eye-tracking VR headset

Samsung may have its own virtual reality tech, but that hasn’t stopped it from investing in

360fly camera records video for VR

360Fly is pining to be the GoPro of 360-degree videos, and with them the nature of

Morpheus mech game ‘Rigs’ uses color to make VR less overwhelming

My most vivid takeaway from PlayStation 4’s new Project Morpheus game Rigs wasn’t what I expected.

Nikon D3200 (with 18-55mm VR lens) review

THE GOOD With reasonably fast performance and very good photo quality, the Nikon D3200 delivers what

Razer’s VR platform gets Android support and position tracking

Razer recently launched its Open Source VR intiative, complete with a virtual reality headset to get

Start saving “several hundred dollars” for Sony’s Project Morpheus next year

With E3 officially kicking-off today, and Sony’s presentation for all things PlayStation just a few hours

StarVR is a QHD headset with an ultra-wide field of view

Starbreeze, the game developer behind Payday 2, Syndicate and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, is

Star Wars VR experiences coming soon thanks to ILMxLAB

The folks at Industrial Light and Magic, the creators of the special effects and the entire

Oculus Touch: the new must-have VR input controller

Today Oculus founder Palmer Luckey introduced Oculus Touch, a pair of controllers for the virtual reality