Cheaper Microsoft Surface tablet: what it needs to succeed

The Internet is abuzz with rumors of a $400 Surface 2-in-1 tablet in the works. Microsoft’s premium portable computers have been positively received save for the price tag that very few could afford. This sudden change in direction was reportedly prompted by the tablet renaissance ushered in by the 6th gen iPad. Windows tablets, however, are nothing new and some of them are even as cheap as an iPad. Very few, if any at all, succeeded and Microsoft risks ruining its chances in this arguably promising market. Here are some of the things Microsoft needs to check off if it doesn’t want a repeat of the Windows RT.

Chromebooks, not iPads

Microsoft has never really been that scared of the iPad. They move in different circles. Those circles are slowly intersecting, but Microsoft knows it still has a lot of area no iPad can venture into. That said, Apple’s recent launch did strike a nerve, one that Google has been hitting repeatedly for years now.

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