Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5 might finally be coming next month

Samsung and Microsoft might be hogging the spotlight right now but Google could be grabbing it back in a few weeks’ time. The Pixel 4a it launched earlier this month was, of course, not its premier 2020 Android phone. That title belongs to the Pixel 5 and it might actually arrive on schedule this time, along with the promised 5G version of the mid-range Pixel 4a by the end of September. Presuming, of course, there are no more delays.

Google’s schedule for its Pixel phones seems to have been thrown into chaos far more than any other smartphone maker. On the one hand, Google is admittedly smaller than those OEMs but, on the other hand, it’s not a small company in the grand scheme of things. Either way, things may have gone back to normal and the latest word is two new Pixels are coming next month.

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