AT&T Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Review


As the AT&T iteration of the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 hits the market, there’s a surprisingly accepting atmosphere for devices with displays of all sizes. Back in 2011 when the original Samsung Galaxy Note was introduced, it was considered daring – a device with a 5.3-inch display? That was massive! Now we’ve got theSamsung Galaxy Note II with a 5.55-inch display and Samsung continuing their “one of every size” method of finding the ideal form for devices – a method they continue to work with in the tablet universe.


This device takes the Samsung Galaxy S 4 and blows it up to a monstrous size. While the Samsung Galaxy Note III hasn’t quite been revealed (we’re expecting it to appear in early September), this Galaxy Mega device is more akin to a larger “S” series device simply because, without the pen, a Note just isn’t a Note. That said, the Galaxy Mega may look like a giant Galaxy S 4, but it’s not quite as powerful – nor nearly as sharp.

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