The Top Marketing Technologies

Marketing is hugely important to any business as, no matter how high quality your product is, without effective marketing efforts, you will never be able to reach your target audience. In order to make the most out of your marketing budget, the right technologies can be invaluable. Marketing technology can enable you to identify who your most customers are, how to reach them and what they respond to. However, not all marketing technology is created equal. In order to get the most out of your marketing spend, it is useful to know the top marketing tools.

  • Analytics Tools 

Analytics tools are invaluable for any marketing campaign as they enable you to gain detailed information about your customers. An analytics tool such as Google Analytics will help you to learn who is viewing your site, where the visitor is coming from, what pages they interact with, and for how long and when they click off your site. This information can not only help you streamline your website but also help you to better identify what it is your target audience responds to. 

  • SMS Marketing Software 

SMS marketing software can be a hugely valuable tool as a means of allowing you to connect directly with customers and expand brand awareness. As is shown by the success of election SMS campaigns, the tool can be hugely useful when it reaches customers you might not otherwise be able to connect with. When used effectively the tools can help you to provide a more human face to your brand and to build more meaningful relationships with customers.

  • Cloud Computing Technologies 

When talking about marketing technologies it might seem a little bit strange to start talking about cloud computing but there is a reason why it is so important. Investing in cloud computing solutions can protect your company from the dangers of a cyber security attack or a technological breakdown. Investing in cloud computing services ensures you are able to retain access to important customer data and keep your services up and running during your next marketing campaign. 

  • Chat Bots 

The consumers of today expect almost instant gratification and the same is true for communications with customer services. Studies have found when a customer has to wait for more than 10 minutes from a response to a query they are likely to start forming a negative opinion about the business and start thinking about taking their business elsewhere.

Investing in chatbot technology enables you to provide customers with the almost instant gratification that they desire. Not only will this help you to increase positive associations with your brand but also help you to use the time of your customer service teams more effectively, as they have to spend less time answering routine questions. 

  • Pay-Per-Click Advertisements 

An effective marketing technique for increasing the click-through of relevant traffic to your site is to use pay-per-click advertising. As the name suggests pay-per-click advertising involves paying a certain fee for everything a person clicks on the site. While not a long-term strategy it can be hugely effective in quickly boosting traffic to your website.