HP Elite Dragonfly with Tile: How I tried (and failed) to lose my laptop

How to keep tabs on your HP Elite Dragonfly

When I was young, my mother always told me that I’d lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my neck. That absentmindedness hasn’t changed over the years and I continue to leave my phone, keychain and notebook here and there. Happily, I’ve found a way to at least keep my computer close at hand: the HP Elite Dragonfly has integrated Tile location-tracking technology to help me find it in those forgetful moments.

I already have a Tile Mate module on my keychain to keep my keys at hand, so using it with a notebook wasn’t a big reach for me. Pairing it with HP’s flagship notebook brings the Tile technology to a new level and offers a preview of the future for forgetful gadget lovers, like me.

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