How Much Money Does an Experienced Project Manager Earn?

Project managers work as the spine of every project. They decide the budget, deadline, and resources needed for a project to ensure on-time delivery of it. Apart from this, they maintain smooth communications between different departments associated with the project to bring everyone on the same page.

So, is it worth becoming a PM in 2022? What is the average project manager salary in the US? Here we are elaborating on everything related to the Project Manager wages in 2022 and the experience required to be a successful project manager in this competitive market.

How Much Do Project Managers Earn?

The average project manager salary in the United States is approximately $77,172 annually. However, you need to remember that it is an average figure and the salary may differ based on different factors including location, company size, industry type, and work experience.

Project Manager Salary Depending on Industry

Project managers are highly specialized individuals, however, Project Managers in different industries get wages as per their industry standards. You need to be equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to get the best-in-market project manager salary in 2022. In general:

  • The IT industry pays its project managers more than any other industry because information technology is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally.
  • Education pays more than the healthcare or manufacturing industries because teachers have less job security than doctors or factory workers. Teachers may not get jobs once their contract has expired or if there are budget cuts due to declining enrollment numbers (this happens often).
  • Healthcare workers make less money than those working in construction or manufacturing.

Project Manager Salary Depending on Experience Level

You may be wondering how much an experienced project manager earns. The answer varies depending on their level of experience and the type of work they do.

  • Experienced Project Managers: Experienced PMs earn more than beginners because they’ve been doing this for years, and therefore have more experience to draw from when it comes time to negotiate your salary. 

This means that you’ll likely get paid less than someone who’s just starting out as a project manager – but don’t worry! This isn’t always bad news! 

As long as you have some idea of what kind of salary range is reasonable for someone with your qualifications (whether through previous jobs or formal education), then there shouldn’t be any problems getting fair compensation once negotiations begin.

Project Manager Salary Depending on Company Size

Project managers at large companies tend to earn more than those at smaller organizations. This is because larger companies have more resources and can afford higher salaries for their PMs. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t always the case. 

For example, if you work for a small business with limited funding or if your company has just been acquired by another company and therefore has no additional funds available for employee salaries or projects, then your pay may be lower than what you would expect based on your experience level alone.

The same goes for revenue: If your organization generates less money than another similar organization (or even one in another industry), then chances are good that they won’t be able to pay as much either financially or emotionally without cutting back elsewhere—so don’t assume otherwise!

How to Improve Your Salary

To improve your salary, you should focus on improving your skills and experience. You can do this by taking classes or workshops, getting certified in a new area of expertise, or simply continuing to learn new things as you go along.

In addition to improving your skills and experience, there are other ways that project managers can increase their earning potential:

  • Think about how you can improve yourself as a person—both professionally and personally—and focus on being more consistent with these improvements over time. 

This will help ensure that employers see only one version of themselves when they look at resumes from potential employees or candidates for jobs within an organization (or industry). This is especially important for entry-level positions where employers may not know much about applicants’ backgrounds yet!

  • Networking with other professionals in similar industries could lead them down paths where they meet someone who knows someone who might be looking for someone like themselves; sometimes this means sharing information about ourselves as well as our qualifications so others know what makes us stand out from all those other people applying for jobs!


It’s never too late to start looking for a new job or career. And while you may not be able to find the perfect position in your field of expertise right away, there are ways that you can increase your earnings potential by learning new skills and getting experience in the job market. 

This can help you land even higher-paying positions later down the line! The key is to be consistent in your work and know your worth in the company. Having such awareness will help you earn the salary that you deserve.