Panasonic FZ2000 vs Sony RX10 III Comparisons

We put two flagship bridge cameras head to head to see which wins the specifications war in this Panasonic FZ2000 vs Sony RX10 III comparison

Back at Photokina, Panasonic announced a new top-of-the-line bridge camera in the shape of the FZ2000. It follows on from the very well received FZ1000, bringing with it a host of new features. It’s also a very strong competitor for Sony’s also excellent RX10 III. We take a look at how the two cameras stack up against each other.

Panasonic FZ2000 vs Sony RX10 III: Sensor

Both the cameras feature a one-inch sensor, a very popular sensor kind for premium compact and bridge cameras. Both are also 20.1MP resolution which should give you plenty of scope for both detail and should you need to crop an image. The Sony has a “stacked” sensor design, which promises better image quality than conventional sensor designs.

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