Apple Watch used to share baby’s heartbeat

Apple Watch used to share baby’s heartbeat

The Apple Watch has been used to share heartbeats from user to user before, but before today, it’s never been used on a baby. Today’s shared experience comes from a family that wanted to share their baby’s first moments in the world with their family. They did so with the Apple Watch. Using this Apple product’s ability to send a vibration to another wearer each time a heart beats, this baby’s life was sent through the Apple Watch, through the iPhone, and through the web.

“Our first child was born and we used an Apple Watch Sport to send his heartbeat to our distant family members,” said Geoff Chatham, “it was a really awesome experience that we couldn’t have done without the Apple Watch.”



The actual video is short, showing how the Apple Watch actually rests on the arm of the baby and sends its heart beat to another family member. You’ll also notice that the baby is in a plastic tray – the same sort you’ll see a newborn in.

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