Apple needs help generating more demand for its tablet. A new series of ads aims to convince people why the iPad is still worth buying.
With Apple tablet sales dwindling, the company is hoping a new series of iPad ads will draw in more buyers.
Dubbed “Everything changes with iPad,” the new ad campaign attempts to explore the many ways that people can use the tablet. Displayed onApple’s website, a 90-second video shows adults and children alike using the iPad to learn to prepare a meal, chat with family members, design a floorplan and snap photos of loved ones. The site then segues into individual pages that tell you how to cook, learn, and travel with the iPad, among other tasks.
Will Apple’s new ads cook up more iPad buyers?
Apple certainly needs help generating greater demand for its tablet. The iPad has seen its once stellar sales and market share continue to dwindle over the past few years. Announcing its fiscal second-quarter results on April 27, Apple revealed that iPad sales hit its fifth consecutive decline to 12.6 million units from 16.4 million a year earlier. Analysts had been forecasting 14.1 million iPads, according to a poll by Fortune.
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