Our lives have become incredibly convenient and comfortable over the last half a century. However, just a power outage or even an internet issue can put us in a frenzy.
But have you ever wondered what would happen if you and your family find yourselves in an actual life and death situation? Do you know the things you need to prepare and the steps you need to take? What if your home was cut off in an earthquake, or your local area flooded or there was a sudden zombie apocalypse?
In this article, we will explain the most important must-know tips for survival.
Prepare a Fire Starter
First of all, a fire starter is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a survival situation. Based on the recommendations from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the most essential things you will need to survive are water, food, and a warm shelter. Very few of us will have ever tried to build our own fire and may be surprised how difficult it is so a waterproof fire starter is extremely important. Fire will enable you to cook food, boil water to purify it and keep you warm and safe from predators. When our ancestors first harnessed the power of fire, it transformed their lives, and fire will be just as important for you in a survival situation.
Get a Multi-Tool
The second most important tool is a multi-tool or a survival knife as this will allow you to perform many different functions from opening cans to cutting branches. We have all seen the amazing gadgets used by the covert operative in our favorite spy movie, like GPS trackers and weapons disguised as pens. Multi-functionality is key when it comes to survival equipment for both spies and anyone looking to overcome the odds in a dangerous situation. Look for a multi-tool that has a quality knife, pliers, screwdrivers and tweezers. Make sure that you get a multi-tool with a strong strap so that you can clip it onto your belt so it is ready whenever you need it. A multi-tool is lightweight and far more convenient than carrying around a whole set of individual tools.
Pack a First-Aid Kit

Another essential item that can play a major role in your chance of survival is a first-aid kit. This can prove to be invaluable for people in cases of sickness or an unfortunate accident that occurs whilst you are in a survival situation. A comprehensive first-aid kit should have far more than just band-aids and antibiotic ointments. Make sure that you have everything that you need and pack it all in a robust, waterproof container.
By making sure that you are well prepared, you will have a much higher chance of survival in case of an unfortunate event. Most of us have not been put in a life-threatening situation before, so you must have a well-planned list of survival items to pack in unexpected cases. Remember, there are many ways to stay safe and survive in difficult situations. Keep calm and always be prepared.