Republic Wireless is aiming to take on the big guns with the 3rd-generation Moto G, one →
While smartwatches have become a thing nowadays, they still aren’t the widely accepted consumer electronics product →
NVIDIA’s hopes to tie up Samsung and Qualcomm in an expensive sales ban over mobile graphics →
While Qualcomm is naturally praising its still to come Snapdragon 820, it wisely isn’t putting all →
A lot more attention as probably been given to LG’s rumored third Nexussmartphone, but Huawei’s entry →
In showbiz, bad publicity is still publicity and that might have somewhat worked for Qualcomm lately. →
Perhaps miracles do happen. Although the recently revealed Xperia Z5basically has the same specs as the →
GOOD STUFF Efficient design No bloatware Attractive price BAD STUFF Camera focus is unreliable Materials aren’t →
It may have been a while since we’ve heard anything new about Qualcomm’sHalo, the wireless car →
HTC has had a torrid last couple of years. In the recent past, it has cut →
Mattel’s rebooted View-Master won’t be the only Google Cardboard headset around when it hits stores this →
Qualcomm might have found a staunch and loyal friend in Sony. If it hasn’t yet, it →
Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is likely to launch the Mi 5 in the market on Thursday. →
Samsung Galaxy fans have specs of a new device to check out as some details on →
Huawei isn’t first to think it can coax America off its smartphone subsidy addiction, but the →
This is a selfie generation, or at least that’s what device makers are trying to both →
Your Mercedes-Benz EV may soon wirelessly charge just like a Formula-E car, with Daimler inking a →
Smartwatches are the talk of the town at the moment with the recent arrival of the →
Despite the rather large setback it experienced in India, it seems that there is no stopping →
Welcome to Verizon’s most high-definition LTE device on the market right now, the Spectrum by LG, →
Straddling the divide between ultraportable and mainstream notebook, Lenovo’s ThinkPad T400s squeezes a business-friendly 14.1-inch LED-backlit →
AT&T hasn’t wasted any time getting HTC’s new flagship, the One X, onto its network, though →
The DROID RAZR M was revealed at the event where Googler and relatively new CEO →
With the Huawei Ascend D1 quad XL, the team brings us what at first appears →
With the LG Optimus G, this OEM brings on its most powerful device by a →
With Verizon’s next in an ever-expanding line of RAZR devices here with the Motorola DROID →
With the Nokia Lumia 810 comes T-Mobile’s chance to jump aboard the Windows Phone 8 →
It’s time for Verizon to get its hands on the Windows Phone 8 universe with →
The difference between the Google Play Nexus 4 and the T-Mobile Nexus 4 is neither →