Supposing you’ve seen our previous massive tablet reviews, you know SlashGear isn’t about to dismiss a device just because it seems absurd from the outset. Take a look at our Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon 27 Table PC Review, for example – it runs Windows, so Nabi keeps the crown in Android. Here in 2014 we’re seeing not just one, but two massive tablets from the folks at Fuhu, two tablets with the same title: Nabi Big Tab HD.
When you purchase this massive 20-inch Nabi tablet from Fuhu, you’ll find it imposing. It’s heavy, and it’s certainly not meant to be very mobile. It does not require a power cord – it charges up just like any other tablet you might have – but you’re going to want to bring that charger with you if you’re going on a long trip.

We’ve got the 20-inch tablet with 1600 x 900 pixels across its display. There’s also a 24-inch Big Tab from Fuhu with 1920 x 1080. This 20-inch tablet is not extraordinarily sharp, but it’s certainly sharp enough for what your child will be using it for.
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