Lifan, or Great Sail, is one of the heavy hitters of Chinese motorcycle manufacturing, and it’s looking to expand its footprint into the U.S. market with the 17-horsepower, King Power Racing 200. The bike brings with it an impressive racing pedigree that includes 17 CRCC championships since 2012, and you just can’t buy better press than what podium appearances provide. With so many manufacturers racing to the bottom of the displacement scale with the Big Four, European makers and even Harley-Davidsongetting in on the action, the time has never been better to bring an entry-level 200 cc sportbike with racetrack handling into the domestic market. Public demand is high, so all manufacturers have to do is bring a quality product. Does Lifan deliver? We are going to dig in and see what Lifan has to offer, but the real proof will be in the first quarterly earnings statement after the KPR 200 hits U.S. showrooms.
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