Xiaomi Poco X2 Vs Realme X2 Comparison: Which One You Should Buy?

This is the detailed comparison between the Xiaomi Poco X2 vs Realme X2 smartphone in terms of design, features, specifications, price and other prospects. Both devices look identical in various respects, though, but having numerous inbuilt differences that we are here to expose. If you are puzzled about which one you should buy, this text guide is for you. Make sure to read it until the end to have an informed decision.

Under the Xiaomi parentship, Pocophone performed well with its sole invention, the Poco F1, last year. Now after more than a year, the brand has come with the latest entry, the Poco X2, on February 4 in India. Further, the 2nddevice under the Pocophone brand appears to be the rebranded edition of the Redmi K30 5G, which was released last year in China.

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