Chrono Trigger at 25: A story for the ages

Story is, of course, the cornerstone of any role playing game, and that was as true 25 years ago as it is today. The less-capable hardware of the Super Nintendo didn’t diminish the storytelling capabilities of Yuji Horii, Masato Kato, and their team of writers when it came to crafting Chrono Trigger‘s plot, and I would argue that they wound up penning one of the best stories gaming has ever seen.

Note: There are heavy spoilers for Chrono Trigger ahead. This article series assumes readers have completed the game, so if you haven’t yet, stop reading here.

Like many good enduring tales, Chrono Trigger’s is relatively simple but also enthralling. It revolves around the main protagonist Crono, his friend Lucca, and a princess-in-disguise named Marle.

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