Do you ever wonder why folks tend to consider the music that was popular when they were teens and early adults as “their music?” Similarly, people tend to freeze their fashion sense at some early-adult stage in life. Fashion, like music, comes in cycles; so whatever we like, if we wait long enough, it comes back in style. The same could be said for what folks gravitate toward when deciding what looks stylish when picking what they drive or ride. Around the turn of the century, the cruiser style had evolved into fat tires, lots of chrome, wide bodies and pegs out front to give you that almost slouched, relaxed riding posture. Since then, cruiser style has cycled back to “old school” — they’ve lost some weight and slimmed down, creating a low and lean version of a sport look. If your vision of what a cruiser should be is stuck in the fat tires and wide body — think of it as “old new-school” — you might want to look at the Suzuki Boulevard M90.
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