10 Tips To Keep Your Diesel Engine Working Through The Winter

Diesel fuel tends to be more expensive than regular gasoline, but seeing as how diesel vehicles tend to be more fuel efficient, it’s usually worth the extra cost. No matter how pricey it gets, it’s always in your best interest to keep your diesel tank as full as possible during the winter months, even you’re only short a couple of gallons.
A full tank avoids condensation. A drastic drop in temperature within the fuel tank can cause water droplets to form. This water can then mix with the diesel, which isn’t good. Too much water getting into the fuel injectors will cause the engine to malfunction and corrode if it’s exposed long enough. With proper maintenance, diesel engines have been known to last anywhere between 500,000 and 800,000 miles. You won’t get anywhere near that if water keeps getting into your fuel mixture.
With a full tank, there’s not as much room for condensation to develop. Even thinking beyond that, a full tank provides you with peace of mind when it’s snowing because there’s a reduced chance of running out of fuel on the side of the road. You don’t want to end up walking to the nearest fuel station with several inches of snow on the ground.

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