Nikon D7500 vs D500 vs D7200 Comparison

Let’s see the comparison between the Nikon D7500 vs D500 vs D7200 mid-range DSLR cameras.

The Nikon D7500 is a 20.9 MP DSLR with the same high ISO, fast image proccessing and energy efficiency of the D500 in an enthusiast-level camera. It also offers a number of improvements over its predecessor, the D7200.

The D7500 has a burst speed of 8fps with full AF/AE, with an expanded buffer of up to 50 raw/NEF (14-bit lossless compressed) or 100 JPEG images. The camera can shoot 4K UHD (3840 × 2160/30p) video and also offers 3-axis built-in e-VR image stabilization when shooting 1080p Full HD videos.

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