Nikon D5600 vs D3400 Comparison

Here is a quick comparison for the Nikon D5600 vs D3400 digital SLR cameras with APS-c sized image sensors.

The newly announced Nikon D5600 offers a 24-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor. The D3400 also offers exactly the same resolution and size. So what may be the main differences when consider their specs list.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Nikon D3400

Nikon D3400 is an entry-level digital SLR camera. The new model continues to offer an 11-point AF system. The device has a maximum ISO of 25,600, 12-bit RAW support. It has a 3″ rear screen with a resolution of 921,000 dots.

Nikon D5600 evolves the line by adding SnapBridge as well as touchscreen enhancements and a time-lapse feature.

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