Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 Specifications Comparison

Here is a quick review and comparison for the Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 rangefinder cameras.

To see the difference between Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 cameras we have put together Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 specs comparison table below.

The Leica M (Typ 262) has a pared-down feature set, an extra quiet shutter unit and a lower price than the M Typ 240. It uses a 24-megapixel CMOS sensor, a Maestro image processor with a near-silent shutter, and a quiet shutter-cocking motor. Leica has used the button space on the rear of the camera that is used for live view in the Typ 240 to add direct access to the white balance feature. The price is $5195/£4050.

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