Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 Comparison

Let’s look at the Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 comparison. We compare the specifications of these high-end APS-c cameras to see what they offer at a glance.

The Fujifilm X-T3 uses a new ‘X-Trans CMOS 4’ sensor and ‘X Processor 4’ combination. It’s a 26.1MP BSI CMOS sensor and it can be read-out 1.5x faster than the one in the X-T2. Check out the Fujifilm X-T3 compared to X-H1 and X-T2 in details.

The Sony A6500 and Nikon D500 come out with the top high-end cameras that have the other APS-c sensor in the market.

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