Canon EOS 5D Mark IV vs 5D Mark III: 21 key differences

Canon has finally confirmed the fourth iteration in its EOS 5D line, the EOS 5D Mark IV. Arguably the most popular DSLR series across the enthusiast/professional spectrum, it blends a handful of expected features with some new technology. We’ve pulled out 21 key differences between the new model and its Mark III predecessor together understand what the new model offers.


1. New sensor

The EOS 5D Mark III didn’t offer too huge a leap in terms of resolution over the previous Mark II – from 21.1MP to 22.3MP – but the new model ramps things up.

Its 31.7MP sensor outputs images at an effective 30.4MP, and Canon states that this is a brand new design. Once again, its pixels are spread over a full-frame surface area, and a low-pass filter is also included in front of it to prevent aliasing artefacts from affecting images.

Although the company hasn’t gone into any specific details on dynamic range, it also promises the sensor delivers a wide exposure latitude.

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