Canon 77D vs Pentax KP Comparison

This Canon 77D vs Pentax KP comparison shows what separates these DSLRs with a view of featured categories.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Canon 77D

Canon 77D features a 24.2MP sensor with Dual Pixel autofocus and updated Digic 7 processor. The biggest advantage of the camera is the bigger buffer and a better AF system. For video, Canon’s Dual Pixel AF technology is also better when it comes to auto focus during video.

The Pentax KP comes with a high-sensitivity 24.32-megapixel sensor. The CMOS sensor provides a top ISO of 819,200. The KP is environmentally sealed which is good when shooting in difficult conditions.

Let’s see how both of these 2017 models compare to each other.

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