Ultimate Ears Megablast and Blast Review: Alexa cuts the cord

Bluetooth speakers may be a commodity at this point, but Ultimate Ears wants to set the new Blast and Megablast apart with Amazon’s Alexa. Joining Bluetooth is WiFi, and the ability to speak to Amazon’s virtual assistant: whether that be for requesting music, giving your connected home instructions, or asking questions to help the kids with homework. It’s an obvious pairing, but has Logitech-owned UE quite got the recipe right?

What we like

It’s not exactly new, but Alexa can be pretty transformational in how you interact with music. Being able to ask for a song or a themed radio station, without having to pull out a phone or tablet, is addictive once you get used to it. The same is true for a weather report or an answer from the internet, or the ability to control your smart home.

All that is packaged in some handsome, rugged speakers.

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