SCHIIT FULLA 2 Review: Give your laptop audio a kick up the ass

Schiit Fulla 2

Let’s get one thing out of the way first. We solemnly swear that in this review, and in all future reviews, we will not make any jokes, puns, bon mots or witty jibes at Schiit Audio’s name. Because if you’re bold enough to call your company that, you’ve not only heard all the jokes, you were probably the first one to make them. Still, one could be forgiven for thinking that the folks at Schiit are perhaps taking the piss, to use that wonderful British expression, when they named one of their products Fulla. Fulla is an Old Norse goddess, a healer. And given the company’s propensity for naming their products after Norse mythology (see: Yggdrasil, Bifrost, Asgard, Valhalla, etcetera, etcetera) one can almost imagine them exchanging looks of startled glee when they discovered that there was a Norse goddess named Fulla. As in, Fulla Schiit.

Oh, GodDAMNIT. So much for our solemn promise.

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