Depending on who you ask, explicit content can have a lot of definitions, but it is usually defined by sexual, violent, or mature themes. While explicit content has been around since the dawn of time, the rise of music streaming apps has made it even more ubiquitous, even to people who don’t necessarily look for it.
In 2021, the Intelligent Music Agency published its research on the top 600 tracks by number of streams on Spotify, which revealed that 18.23% of the songs from 2010 to 2015 had explicit lyrical content. Just five years later, the share of explicit content had increased to 35%, revealing a rise in popularity of the use of explicit language in music.
When certain content is explicit, Spotify will typically add tags next to the song or album name: Explicit (desktop) or E (mobile). To reach a wider audience, some artists will release variations of their songs, so you can opt to listen to either the clean or explicit version. Unfortunately, for those who wish to do so, it can be impossible to remove all explicit content from your Spotify account entirely. However, if you prefer to go without it, there are a few methods for filtering out explicit content from your Spotify account.