Apple has just announced that its next event is scheduled for September 9. The event will witness the launch of new smartphones, smartwatches, and audio products, as per reliable sources. Apple’s official tagline for the event, “It’s Glowtime,” suggests that the products set to make an appearance on stage will boast a fresh design makeover, something rumors have also hinted at.
The highlight of the show is going to be the iPhone 16 series, which is likely going to arrive in four trims. The entry-point iPhone 16 and its Plus variant are reportedly getting a design refresh that includes a redesigned camera island on the rear face. Instead of the diagonally positioned camera lenses that we currently see on the iPhone 15, the upcoming phones will get a vertically aligned camera lens makeover, surrounded by a pill-shaped outline reminiscent of the iPhone X.
If alleged schematics and dummy units making rounds on the internet are anything to go by, we might also get a multi-functional camera shutter on the upcoming phones that will be capacitive in nature. The iPhone 16 Pro models are said to be in line for an ultra-wide camera upgrade, which might get a new 48-megapixel sensor. Notably, all four iPhone 16 series models will be capable of running Apple Intelligence. So far, Apple has kept its next-gen AI software bundle exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro pair due to system firepower requirements.