What Google’s Pixel 2 needs to compete with iPhone X

Apple’s stepped up their game with the iPhone X, creating a device that not only has a built-in cult following, but delivers on new features to boot. Google’s task now with Pixel is to create not only a solid Android phone, but a device that’s at least as high quality as the phone’s first generation. Today we’re having a peek at some of the key features on the iPhone X to see what Google’s Pixel 2 will need to directly compete.

What Google’s Pixel 2 needs to compete with iPhone X

Which is a better starter phone?

Neither the iPhone X or either of Google’s Pixel phones are meant for your everyday average Joe. No user new to smartphones will purchase a Pixel 2 or an iPhone X – not for the amount of money each of these smartphone lines cost. The everyday average citizen doesn’t go out and purchase a brand new car when they’re just learning to drive.

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