Apple Watch Series 2 v Fitbit Flex 2 Comparison : Swimming

We spend some serious pool time with the two waterproof wearables

After years of users asking for it, Fitbit finally gave the world its first waterproof fitness tracker by launching the Flex 2. Apple meanwhile decided the Watch Series 2 was the right time to give its smartwatch a more swim-friendly design. But both companies didn’t just stop there. They went one step further offering lovers of the sea and the pool the ability to track their swimming performance as well.

Apple Watch Series 2 v Fitbit Flex 2

Waterproofing is always high on our list of priorities, but clearly it’s a lot more difficult than it seems. Fitbit revealed that it encountered Flex 2 production issues making the tracker waterproof. But it pulled it off, and we’re glad it did but it has been a long time coming.

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