American Airlines removed the bulky paper manuals and flight plansfrom the cockpit of their commercial aircraft back in 2013 and handed out iPads after the FAA had approved iPads for use in the cockpit in 2011. The airline has run into its first major issue with using the iPads on the flight deck this week.
American Airlines says that several dozen flights were affected by an iPad outage this week after the tablets crashed. At least one of the flights was getting ready for takeoff when the iPad crashed for both the pilot and the co-pilot. The crashed tablet and no paper backups meant that the flight crew was left without a flight plan.
The flight was #1654 and passengers on the flight report that the pilot came on the PA system telling the passengers that his iPad and the first mates had powered off suddenly to a blank screen and that the entire American fleet of 737s had been affected by the outage. The outage left the flight stuck on the tarmac.
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