This Company Plans To Bring The Woolly Mammoth Back From Extinction: Here’s How

A few decades ago, Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg brought the concept of de-extinction to the big screen in “Jurassic Park.” Now, the idea has jumped off the screen and into reality, courtesy of Colossal Biosciences, billed as the world’s first and only de-extinction company. Instead of dinosaurs, Colossal has set its sights on more recently lost species including the dodo, the thylacine — also known as the Tasmanian tiger– and the woolly mammoth. Advertisement
The last confirmed thylacine died in 1936, which is recent enough that you can find photographs of living Tasmanian tigers online….

Check out the original article: [Slashgear] This Company Plans To Bring The Woolly Mammoth Back From Extinction: Here’s How