I hope this is the next iPhone (after the iPhone 7, that is)

Today we have a peek at the next iPhone – a concept for a device that may be Apple’s vision for the iPhone 7’s next-of-kin. There’s word that the iPhone 7 wont be a miracle of engineering and mind-blowing madness – that it won’t be the major upgrade this 2-year cycle Apple always works with would have us expect. This is not the iPhone we were expecting, or hoping for. Instead, the big change in smartphone action, I hope, will be coming in 2017. This device will be the real brain-blaster.

The next iPhone is something I hope will change the way we use smart devices. It’ll do this by changing the way the device works. Developers will be able to make use of a different sort of display technology, one that’ll adapt to whatever setup each app it runs requires.


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