Huawei P9 Lite vs P10 Lite Specs Comparison

After launching the flagship smartphones P10 and P10 Plus, Huawei has officially announced the toned down version called the P10 Lite. This release was not surprising as the company did the same approach last year with the P9 Lite. For today’s comparison, we take a quick look at the side-by-side comparison between the two handsets.



The Huawei P10 Lite is definitely an upgrade over the P9 Lite in terms of specs alone. The only things carried over from last year’s Lite handset are the display size and resolution, front camera, and battery capacity — although the P10 Lite still has advantage in this aspect due to its fast charging feature. It still doesn’t have Leica-certified optics which is the main point of it being a toned down model.

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