TV Vs. Monitor: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

In the old days of the original Nintendo, if a gamer wanted to play on their console, they had to use the family TV. Millennials and Gen Xers remembers those large, blocky, CRT TVs that are oddly making a comeback. Granted, televisions today are significantly better for gaming than the ’90s. In fact, it was impossible to connect a console to a computer monitor, so that thought never would have crossed anyone’s mind. It’s different for gamers now.
Gamers today freely swap between TVs and computer monitors, sometimes using both simultaneously. It usually comes down to preference and the type of games they play. Even those operating completely on a computer might choose to use a TV because either it’s what their budget allows or they have some multiplayer games that allows for split screen play.
So, is there an objective answer to the question, “Are monitors or TVs better for gaming?” Looking at technical specs without considering price, not really. It falls under a matter of preference because looking at the best possible image in a video game doesn’t necessarily translate to the overall best experience. Here’s all the qualities of TVs and monitors for gaming.

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