What Does A Solid Blue Light Mean On A Police Car?

Police cars have various lights they use to communicate with others on the road, but at times it can be hard to tell what exactly they’re conveying. Red and blue flashing lights are standard and we know that signifies an emergency, but if a police car has flashing yellow lights, for example, it means something else entirely.
Solid blue lights are another non-emergency communication method. Also called cruise lights, these solid blue lights signify to the neighborhood that the police are in the area and keeping them safe. Given that some police cars aren’t easily identifiable, this can be necessary for signaling to people that the police are nearby. But essentially, cruise lights are meant to be comforting, so you’ll have nothing to worry about when you see them on the road.
But why are cruise lights solid blue and not another color? There are a few reasons why this is so.

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