8 Of The Worst-Looking Pontiacs Ever Made

Pontiac is one of the most legendary American car builders of all time. From 1926 to 2008, it churned out some of the most legendary automobiles ever. Sadly, changing times nailed Pontiac’s coffin closed not long after the millennium, but the auto manufacturer has left the car world plenty of models to enjoy, pore over, and judge.
Gearheads assign great importance to performance, but design is just as important, if not more important. An ugly car won’t sell the way a beautiful one will, regardless of performance (well, to a certain degree). And while Pontiac built some of the coolest-looking models ever made, not every one was a slam dunk. Over 82 years, there was bound to be a few duds.
While we appreciate the beauty and art of the automotive world, sometimes it can be fun to dive into the ugly side of things and sift through some of the most dated, unattractive, and poorly conceived cars ever to roll off the Pontiac assembly line.
Join us as we journey down memory lane in search of some of the worst-looking Pontiac models ever made.

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