2020 Nissan Leaf SL Plus: Pros And Cons

Tesla has proven that electric vehicles can be cool and fashionable, rather than dorky appliances for eco warriors, and the mainstream industry is still catching up. In the case of the Nissan Leaf, one of the aforementioned dork cars, it’s vastly improved using a design that’s unquestionably better looking, but still just a little nerdier than your average five-door hatchback.

Nissan expanded the range of this EV from the first-gen model’s 74 miles (barely acceptable, even when it debuted in the early 2010s) to 150 miles with the second-generation car, before introducing a Plus model with 226 miles of charge in 2019. While some may shout that this still isn’t enough range, they’re mostly just making noise – 226 miles is more than adequate for the vast majority of American consumers.

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