12 Of The Strangest Driving Laws You’ll Find In The United States

Anyone who’s driven for a couple years probably feels like they know everything to being on the road. Don’t speed. Stop at stop signs. Don’t text and drive (bearing in mind there are plenty of ways to help you stay off your phone while in a car).
Every law is designed to keep you and others on the road safe. It may feel like an inconvenience sometimes, but it’s for the best — until you start learning about all of the bizarre laws your state undoubtedly has about vehicles. For instance, in New Jersey it’s illegal for people to pump their own gas. The wording of the law is actually in the interest of public safety to make sure an attendant who knows what they’re doing has control over the fuel.
That’s the case for a lot of the weird driving laws on this list. They may have made sense at a certain point, but now, they’re just downright bizarre. Whether or not the cops will actually enforce some of these laws in their given states is another matter entirely, but it helps to know what you can get in trouble for.

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