Nikon D7500 vs Sony A6500 – Comparison

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Nikon D7500 vs Sony A6500 – Comparison

Looking for the Nikon D7500 vs Sony A6500 comparison? Both cameras cost under $1500, but let’s see which one is better for the money.

The first difference between these two cameras is the sensor size. The Nikon D7500 has a smaller sensor in resolution than the Sony A6500, but a significantly larger body. The a6500 has a larger 24MP APS-C sensor while the D7500 is a 20.9 MP DSLR with the same high ISO, fast image proccessing and energy efficiency of the D500 in an enthusiast-level camera. Both cameras can shoot 4K footage at 30 frames per second.

Let’s have a brief look at the main features of Nikon D7500 vs Sony A6500. So what may be the main differences when consider their specs list?

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