Nikon D7500 vs D750 Comparison

Here is a quick comparison and review for the Nikon D7500 vs D750 DSLR cameras. Below you can find the differences of these cameras to find which model is better suited for your needs.

Nikon D7500 DSLR Camera Officially Announced, Price $1,249

The first difference between these two cameras is the sensor size. Nikon D7500 uses the same 20.9MP sensor with no optical low pass filter as the D500, as well as its Expeed 5 image processor. This new processor is faster than the Expeed 4A processor in the D750, a speed advantage that gives the D7500 for the features like burst speed, buffer depth, video capability and native ISO sensitivity.

Let’s have a brief look at the main features of Nikon D7500 vs D750. So what may be the main differences when consider their specs list?

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