Nikon D500 vs Canon 7D Mark II Specifications Comparison

Here is a quick review and comparison for the Nikon D500 vs Canon 7D Mark II DSLR cameras with APS-c sized image sensors.

To see the difference between Nikon D500 vs Canon 7D Mark II digital SLR cameras we have put together Nikon D500 vs Canon 7D Mark II specs comparison table below.

Nikon D500 camera $1,999.95 – (Amazon | B&H | Adorama) features a 20.9-megapixel APS-C sensor that’s coupled with the new Expeed 5 image processor found in the D5. It also has the same 153-point AF system with 99 cross-type sensor and can able to shoot continuously at 10 fps with a 200 shot buffer for Raw images. See the offcial announcement.

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