The Samsung 86″ UHD TV That Only Sam’s Club Members Can Get For 50% Off

Several Sam’s Club members have been talking about this deal, trying to figure out just how good of a value it really is. One commenter on SlickDeals stated, “Was in Sam’s Club and found 4 new Samsung TU9010 86″ TV for $799 [clearance] price. Tag had $994 for original price. Seemed like a good deal; thoughts? YMMV and in store only.” This might initially seem like the TV is only marked down a couple of hundred dollars. But in spite of what the tag claimed, other retailers such as Walmart, Best Buy, and the Samsung website itself all still have the TV listed much closer to its original $1,599.99 MSRP. This means that the deal that they mentioned is actually about 50% off of the going rate.
That said, the Sam’s Club digital marketplace doesn’t seem to have the TU9010 model in stock. So it appears that the SlickDeals posters were correct in their assessment that this deal is in-store only. Several other commenters mentioned that their local stores each only seemed to have four or five of the TVs on the floor, so there also seems to be a very limited supply. It seems that the only way to take advantage of this deal is to visit or call your local Sam’s Club warehouse and cross your fingers that they have one in stock.

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