Shopping for a TV has become increasingly difficult for the average consumer. Previously, they only had to worry about its size. Now, however, they need to consider the size, refresh rate, resolution, and the difference between LED and OLED. Anyone looking for the best TV to fit their needs essentially has to be a tech enthusiast. So, what’s the difference, and which one should you go with?
The biggest difference is that the LED (Light Emitting Diodes) in LED TV merely refers to the backlight that allows viewers to see the picture on their TV. LED displays don’t project or create the image people watch. Instead, they work in conjunction with a transparent LCD panel in a kind of symbiotic partnership because LCD panels don’t project their own light. The two need each other.
OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) TVs, on the other hand, create the image and emit light to project it to the audience. There’s not a separate backlight, which allows them to be thinner than other TVs on the market. However, this kind of technology comes at a premium. One can look to customer satisfaction ranking choices for a TV, but there are more prudent methods.