How to clean your Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro

Worried about keeping your Apple AirPods clean? Apple’s true wireless earbuds are designed as a handy everyday companion – whether you’re using  them in the gym, on your commute, or just to dull the noise of your coworkers – but if you’re keeping them in your ears on the daily and taking them to all sorts of public places, it’s not surprising that they might be picking up some dirt alone the way. The downside to the Airpods’ white coloring is that they can start to look shabby pretty quickly if you don’t keep up a cleaning schedule – though the upside is you can spot any build-up of dirt a bit quicker than on other wireless earbuds. It can be difficult to know the best way to clean your AirPods and AirPods Pro– after all, AirPods aren’t waterproof and neither are exactly cheap, with the second generation model costing $159 / £159 / AU$249 with the standard charging case, and $199 / £199 / AU$319 with the new Wireless Charging Case bundled in.

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