Password sharing: That little practice of users sharing their login credentials with friends and family members for a website or app. While this term could apply to any number of websites, it most commonly refers to people sharing access to streaming platforms like Netflix. Put simply, it’s a way for users to avoid paying full price for their own account, allowing them to binge “Stranger Things” or “Queen’s Gambit” free of charge. With streaming getting more expensive, users cut every corner they can. Unfortunately, the whole practice is gradually going the way of the Dodo.
What changed? Password sharing has always cut into a streaming service’s profits, and now they’ve decided to do something about it. As long as there are no restrictions on the practice, streaming platforms miss out on a large chunk of the market. While only a few platforms are cracking down on password sharing presently, analysts predict more will join the fold in due time. It might be a hard pill for users to swallow, but companies have introduced a couple of benefits to ease the pain.
In particular, some of the streaming services have started adding lower-cost tiers, including ad-supported options, which are becoming increasingly popular. So, which platforms are cracking down on sharing passwords? Netflix led the charge and was promptly followed by Disney+. Hulu is also joining the crackdown along with Warner Bros. Discovery’s Max.