Once upon a time, a TV was just a TV. No fancy technical names were being bandied about. For many, determining which brand was the most reliable was the most important factor in deciding which TV to buy. Still, savvy consumers did their research, for example, deciding between factors like color or black and white, tube warm-up time, tuning methods, and even the weight of the TV, something that’s rarely mentioned today. As one might expect, technological advances have changed that conversation yet again. A few years ago, we had to grapple with whether plasma TVs were better than LCDs, and today, the question many are asking is if MicroLED lives up to the hype. While MicroLED technology is promising, unless you’re prepared to shell out upwards of a hundred thousand dollars on your next TV, the technology remains out of reach.
However, this is the norm with new technology (think back to the first flat-screen TVs), and prices are expected to come down in the next few years, which will make these TVs affordable to a broader audience. When that happens, consumers will have one more option among many, including OLED, QLED, and MiniLED, to choose from when upgrading their home entertainment setup. If they choose a MicroLED TV, they can expect superior brightness, better color accuracy, improved energy efficiency, and a longer lifespan, to name just a few of the ways it outperforms current technologies.