Whether the picture quality on your TV seems lacking or you just bought a new television and are looking to adjust the settings for a more optimal viewing experience, you’ll be pleased to know that a few quick taps on your remote may make all the difference. The truth is, no TV offers outstanding picture quality when it’s used straight out of the box.
Manufacturers typically configure the settings to make the objects on the screen pop out under the bright, fluorescent lights that most stores have. While this might catch your attention when you’re in a store, it doesn’t necessarily translate to an optimal or comfortable viewing experience once you’re back home.
That said, the best part about most TVs today, from a more basic Amazon Fire TV to a top-end Samsung model, is that they all have built-in features and settings that can help you tweak the picture quality to your liking. Once you’ve tested out the various features that can affect the video quality, you can fine-tune specific settings to get the best out of your TV.
But this might seem easier said than done, thanks to the plethora of settings available on most modern TVs. While the only way to figure out the best TV settings for your needs is through experimentation, using and tweaking the features listed below could be a great starting point and be a game-changer for your TV viewing experience.